CRISTALLERIE DE PARIS      >      Family : LIMITED EDITION     >     Brand : DAUM     >     Pattern : LIMITED EDITION - DAUM      >      OISEAU MARIN 05608 LIMITED EDITIONS - DAUM

Oiseau Marin 05608 Limited Editions - Daum

Oiseau Marin 05608 Limited Editions - Daum

Architect Xavier Carnoy has developed a very personal style: forms stripped to the extreme, with no superfluous detail, suggestive dynamism. Recognized for his animal sculptures, his research focuses on harmony, the balance of shapes and volumes.
For Daum, Xavier Carnoy creates the Marine Bird taking flight. The material, the intense blue of the crystal and its transparency letting the light filter, reveal the harmony of this pure form.

Height 6.7" - Large 14.6" - Width 9.1" - Weight 4 Lbs

Available : 6 months and over
6 months and over
Price : 3 990,00 €

Limited Edition - Daum (38)