CRISTALLERIE DE PARIS      >      Family : LIMITED EDITION     >     Brand : DAUM     >     Pattern : LIMITED EDITION - DAUM      >      PREMIER AMOUR 03914 EDITIONS LIMITéES - DAUM

Premier Amour 03914 Editions limitées - Daum

Premier Amour 03914 Editions limitées - Daum

Limited Edition to 500 ex

Sylvie Mangaud born in Paris in 1961 is a French artist whose nudes and animals are her preferred fields of expression. After her studies in graphology and morphology, she quickly became passionate about the image and expression of the body. Her creations are light and full of fineness, capturing their elegance and natural movement. Her sculptures in Daum crystal are delicate and sensual as her new art work “Darling”, full of grace and sensuality.

Height 2.4" - Large 6.9" - Width 4.1" - Weight 3 Lbs

Available : 6 months and over
6 months and over
Price : 1 680,00 €

Limited Edition - Daum (38)