The story of French porcelain begins when a woman discovers a white and soft clay that she uses to launder her linens. This substance will be identified as kaolin, the long-sought key ingredient, giving fine porcelain its durability and translucency. The search for this "secret ingredient" has lasted four centuries since Marco Polo's discovery of Chinese porcelain. The discovery of kaolin in France marks the beginning of the industrial and cultural importance of Limoges porcelain.
The use of porcelain services is spreading. The "Manufacture de Sauviat", located one hour from Limoges is founded and produces high-end porcelain, cooked over a wood fire.
Giraud and Brousseau acquire the manufacture and create the Corail form that still exists in the Médard de Noblat collections
Georges Médard bought the manufactory and created the brand Médard de Noblat which he developed in France and abroad. Mr. Médard introduces the first isostatic press in Limoges which increases the production capacity and improves the quality of the products. It continues to modernize its production tool and begins to build its reputation among consumers. |